Maternal and Infant Wellness services at Mandala Family Wellness support adjustment and development of new mothers and babies in Jacksonville and Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Becoming a parent can be an exhilarating experience and time of great maternal and infant joy. It can also come with unique challenges, to both mother and child. We offer a variety of maternal and infant services and programs, for instance:

New Mom’s Support Group

Led by licensed psychologists and mothers of young children, this group provides support to new mothers who are looking to connect with other new moms and get support for managing common issues such as breastfeeding, sleep training, and changing family dynamics.  This also offers an opportunity to receive emotional support, develop new friendships, and receive practical advice.  Babies are welcome to attend, as well!

Individual Therapy

Whether dealing with the “baby blues” or more serious issues such as postpartum depression and/or anxiety, individual psychotherapy can provide relief and enhance mental health and wellbeing, allowing you to feel better as a person and a parent.

FirstPlay® Infant Massage

The connection you establish with your baby provides the foundation for healthy development.  Join us for an introduction to FirstPlay® Infant Massage. Certified FirstPlay® Practitioners instruct, guide and supervise parents in Baby Tree Hug Massage©- a playful touch-based story illustrated in the FirstPlay® Parent Handbook. This play therapy model enhances parent and infant bonding and attachment as well helps the brain to form emotionally healthy neuropathways. Other benefits include sounder sleep, increased flow of nutrients to cells, improved digestion, enhanced early literacy potential, and relaxation due to the release of calming hormones. 


TheraPlay® is a child and family program for building and enhancing attachment, self-esteem, trust in others, and joyful engagement. It’s based on the natural patterns of playful, healthy interaction between you and your child and is personal, physical, and fun. These sessions create an active, emotional connection between you or your child’s caregiver and your child. We guide you and your child through activities so that you learn to regulate your child’s behavior in a way that communicates positivity and helps your child feel secure, cared for, connected, and worthy. Interactions focus on four essential qualities found in parent-child relationships: Structure, Engagement, Nurture, and Challenges